are they my real friends?

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sometimes your friends wont be real, sometimes they will be fake but sometimes they will be the best friends you can dream of. find out what category your friends fall into.

always thinking you have fake friends? take this quiz to find out if your friends are snakes or the realist you can get! only 12 short questions to take before you find out!

Created by: romey
  1. are you popular?
  2. who makes the plans to go out at weekends?
  3. do you all like the same type of music?
  4. favourite thing to do with your friends
  5. restaurant you and your friends go to
  6. think fast
  7. how many are in your friends group?
  8. favourite lesson
  9. if you are sad will your friends notice?
  10. what do they do if your sad?
  11. do you like this quiz? (wont effect answer)

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