aprentice name quiz

What is your Aprentice name? Find out in this amazing quiz!!!

Are you a warrior fan? If you are, cool! This quiz is a great one for a warrior lover!!!

Created by: Moonpelt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you are in love with a cat from a diffrent Clan.your friend does not like it and threatens to tell the leader.You...
  2. you are at a Gathering.You...
  3. are you a cat person?
  4. wich is your favorite?
  5. choose one
  6. choose one
  7. if you had a clan, what would you name it?
  8. do you belive warriors is fiction?
  9. what is your eye color?
  10. what is your personalitie?

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