Anime Soulmate Generator

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hey, sup? take the quiz and get your anime gf/bf/crush. plz answer correct otherwise you'll get the person/character of your worst ever nightmares-oops!

2 paragraphs again?! no way...dsydndvdujegendbfjdudijndbfnvbcjxksidurhrbthtnfjjsnznxczvarwreurovpnmnlnobuvtxs snzmcvi jcidnfbxmudmhxmsjtuwtqiehdncbxm.

Created by: A Person123
  1. what is your gender and what gender would you prefer to love?
  2. choose your hobby?
  3. what's your personality?
  4. do you like anime?
  5. are you a talker or a listener?
  6. have you ever loved someone before?
  7. would you want marriage?
  8. choose a name:
  9. bye now... jk lol
  10. bye bye for real this time!

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