Anime looking like quiz boys and girls!

Hey guys this is my fith quiz but I want to ok now how many of you took my quizzes in the past! Post in comment. GONNA FILL NOW! DO IT IN YOUR OWN WAY.

Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really appreciate the quiz takers out there.

Created by: Animales of Google
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your favorite name
  2. SpongeBob
  3. What's your favorite color?
  5. Ok do not answer any question after this one unless you want to.
  6. Ok do not answer any question after this one unless you want to.
  7. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw,Slytherin, or Hufflepuff
  8. Lats question
  9. Sorry I didn't know I needed more questions
  10. Real last question

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