Animal Jam Quiz!

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Hello! Welcome to the Dogloverlikesdoge AJ quiz! Test your knowledge to see how well you know me! Make sure to check out my channel if you haven't already.

In this quiz you will see tons of different questions all about me! See how well you know me or how much you don't! Featuring 14 paw-some questions to answer! Have fun!

Created by: Dogloverlikesdoge
  1. When did Dogloverlikesdoge make her first video?
  2. What is dogloverlikesdoge's favorite Animal in AJ?
  3. When did Dogloverlikesdoge Start playing Animal Jam?
  4. What is her favorite color(s)?
  5. What is Dogloverlikesdoge's favorite nickname (DON'T CALL ME THE OTHERS LOL I don't like them if you didn't know XD)
  6. Why did she pick Dogloverlikesdoge as her username?
  7. Which jambassador does she admire the most?
  8. Which of the following ISN'T a part of her main outfit?
  9. Which of these isn't her buddy?
  10. How many intros has she had?
  11. What is her FAVORITE item on her main look?
  12. Which game does she like better:
  13. Which of the following is/was one of her AJ series?
  14. Lastly; what does she always start her videos out with?

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