Which "The Outside World" (TOW) character are you?

Hello! This is a "Which "The Outside World" character are you" quiz! The Outside World is a comic of mine I am making, it is not yet posted onto the internet but it will soon be posted during the summer. In this quiz you will get 1 of the 4: Theo, Thorn, Fray, or Cliff.

The Outside World will be posted onto my YouTube channel shortly after my break is finished! My break lasts until somewhere near may/ the summer. Make sure to check my channel out "AArtistt" Anyways enjoy the quiz!

Created by: AArtistt
  1. How old are you?
  2. Gender?
  3. Do you have a temper?
  4. Are you a follower or a leader?
  5. Let's say your best friend got caught by bad people and he/she/they are defenseless, what do you do?
  6. Do you prefer being alone or being with your friends?
  7. What's your personality ?
  8. Are you emo?
  9. Who's your favorite character in TOW?
  10. Attitude level: 1/10?
  11. Let's say there's a giant evil dog on the loose! What would you do?
  13. Nope not last! Last question. Did you enjoy the quiz? (might change results)

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Quiz topic: Which "The Outside World" (TOW) character am I?
