Am I Lesbian? (GIRLS ONLY!!!)

This quiz is for girls only please. That means YOU boyfriends taking this quiz for your girl. Yes, I'm onto you. ;) No really, though. Girls only. Thanks!

I have nothing to write here but happy quizzing to all and to all a good (holiday, day, weekend, afternoon, morning, coffee break, lunch break, etc.) <3

Created by: Naya
  1. Why are you taking this quiz?
  2. What do you think you will get?
  3. Do you ever have sexual thoughts about girls?
  4. Do you have a partner?
  5. If you were single, who would you find yourself crushing on?
  6. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?
  7. Are your legal guardians or any other significant adult in your life gay/lesbian?
  8. Do you WANT to be lesbian?
  9. What do you think of this quiz? (not scored)
  10. Are you bored of this yet?

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