Am I a sociopath, serial killer or murderer? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Am I a sociopath, serial killer or murderer?
i got 89% serial killer lol. sounds a lot like me confirmed by my little brother. im 14 btw. i dream about killing some certain people in my life that i cant stand.
Your Result: Sociopath
You are a sociopath. You love to be in control and often find yourself talking to someone yet having an entirely different conversation in your own mind during which the voice in your head starts explaining why the person your talking to is quite pathetic and that you'd probably be doing all of man kind a favour by cutting this persons head off and pickling it in a jar. You also like a clean kitchen and regularly buy whole sets of butcher knives to add to your growing collection.
Huh. . Sounds like me.... 'Cept for the butcher knifes...
I fantasize about buthcer knifes...
I have been watching this b---- across the street. She needs to suffer lots of pain. I'm going to her house and enjoy myself watching her suffer. Oh my, just thinking of the terror on her face as I watch her life leave her body. I'm so excited I can't wait any longer
Coachken5 -
demonslayer can i help you
Im down, Ill use a gun and throw them in a fir pit after I skin them and roll them in salt
I'd pounce on my enemy, carve them up, shoot them, them play with their blood. I can see why I got sociopath.
I would gouge out their eyes and force feed the eyes to them and I would make them lose the will to live by cutting them until they beg for death and then gut them like pigs while they are aware and then dump the body in acid to get rid of the bones as well then wipe blood of everything
Your Result: Sociopath
You are a sociopath. You love to be in control and often find yourself talking to someone yet having an entirely different conversation in your own mind during which the voice in your head starts explaining why the person your talking to is quite pathetic and that you'd probably be doing all of man kind a favour by cutting this persons head off and pickling it in a jar. You also like a clean kitchen and regularly buy whole sets of butcher knives to add to your growing collection.
O_O It's that obvious..?
Your Result: Maniac 93%
You are a maniac. You lose your temper easily and are likely to have bouts of homicidal rage. You don't think before you act and often act purely on emotion. You will probably serve a long prison sentence for a violent crime of passion bought on by anything from a lovers quarrel to road rage.
Sounds like me. My emotions tend to get the best of me, especially if I'm made fun of or people dont act as I'm there superior.
Cody p5-
Omg literally me because i'm God
Got murderer 78% answered honestly surprised it didn't ask if you hear voices because I here 4 one sounds like drill sergeant 2 sound like parents arguing last one he tells me to kill. Want to go see therapist about the last one worried they lock me up. Surprise didn't get serial killer always been messed up in the head. Thought where to hide the bodies when I was in kindergarten on the bus and the most effective way to kill someone. Surprised they didn't ask if you wanted to eat someone to. Last voices says that too. I used to squeeze my arm to hurt until the voices stopped but they just talk more as I get older. No not to listen to the voices but that doesn't keep me from wondering if I will be sent to prison and if I do What age.
I too hear voices, but it's a coordinated thing to make sure I don't make a mistake. So far, I haven't yet.
Hijnny SAME! I hear them everytime some either gets me Mad or Stressed. they try to make me hurt them but I don't. Sometimes.
How could the voices make you stressed that sounds weak my voices are a second opinion often tells me alternative of ways to do things they are a spectator I am the operator I have no opinion on them but I like the voices.
Jbart1342 -
i dont hear voices i hallucinate tho
Very interesting, I got murderer as well, which makes complete sense. I have done bad things, and personally I think I am a horrible person, but I love myself.
Your Result: Serial Killer 93%
You are a serial killer. You love attention and find it hard to keep your opinion of others to yourself. It will not be uncommon for you to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine to complain about an article in which the writer of the article shares a view contrary to your own. Your unnoticed cries for attention will eventually result in you becoming a news sensation as the "south side strangler" or the "east side butcher" or any number of colorful terms used to describe your killing spree. This want of attention will eventually be your downfall, you will more then likely receive life in prison or be sentenced to death for your horrible crimes.
Ha, the police would never take me alive.
Your Result: Serial Killer 81%
You are a serial killer. You love attention and find it hard to keep your opinion of others to yourself. It will not be uncommon for you to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine to complain about an article in which the writer of the article shares a view contrary to your own. Your unnoticed cries for attention will eventually result in you becoming a news sensation as the "south side strangler" or the "east side butcher" or any number of colorful terms used to describe your killing spree. This want of attention will eventually be your downfall, you will more then likely receive life in prison or be sentenced to death for your horrible crimes.
You are a maniac. You lose your temper easily and are likely to have bouts of homicidal rage. You don't think before you act and often act purely on emotion. You will probably serve a long prison sentence for a violent crime of passion bought on by anything from a lovers quarrel to road rage.
Yup, that's 'bout right, but I think before I act
You are a maniac. You lose your temper easily and are likely to have bouts of homicidal rage. You don't think before you act and often act purely on emotion. You will probably serve a long prison sentence for a violent crime of passion bought on by anything from a lovers quarrel to road rage.
The best thing ever is that these poor people have no idea how f---ed they are once I start my reign of terror.
My fellow killers, brace yourself, for the Master Hidden in the Shadows is soon to reveal himself. VERY soon.
Hell yeah man! I have constant need to strangle crackheads, specifically female crackheads. They are too easy.
Pateman1 -
Let me give you some advice, cackhead/homeless women are usually between 90-100 pounds and malnourished. They will get in your car or follow you anywhere as long as you promise them something they really want in return. Preference would be a huge river nearby, because once you off them, and dump em in the river the cops won't waste their time and resources trying to get justice for some crackhead who has no family anyway. Don't do it in a pattern and especially not in one place, the cops will be obligated to find you at that point. As long as you go city to city, sometimes even killing 3 or 4 in one city, the cops will not piece it together and definitely not waste their time. Detectives would rather go home to their kids and family rather than trying to solve some nasty crackhead's murder. For all they know, it was just a drug deal gone wrong. So just skip city to city, always make sure there is a big river nearby, and you will never get caught. Always keep in mind, 'Dont get cocky, you are not invincible."
"91 percent serial killer". i should correct you. I'm an attempted murderer. I strangled a little kid. I got no jail time so ever since i've been hurting him. I punched him in the head once with the intention of giving him a concussion but it didn't work. I'm gonna give his address to my fellow maniacs and sociopaths so you can kill him and you will want to when you meet him. He's so annoying you just wanting to squeeze his neck until his veins snap and blood is cut off to his brain and his blood gets in your face. anyway he lives in churchview saltash cornwall uk he has blond hair and is short and like 8 or something.
Your Result: Serial Killer 88%
You are a serial killer. You love attention and find it hard to keep your opinion of others to yourself. It will not be uncommon for you to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine to complain about an article in which the writer of the article shares a view contrary to your own. Your unnoticed cries for attention will eventually result in you becoming a news sensation as the "south side strangler" or the "east side butcher" or any number of colorful terms used to describe your killing spree. This want of attention will eventually be your downfall, you will more then likely receive life in prison or be sentenced to death for your horrible crimes.
Am I weird?-
No, not at all. You are a great individual, society needs people like you and me to exterminate retards
Everyone who scored high on this test is an absolute idiot, you don’t know who’s collecting data from these sites and how they’re using it, keep yourself safe at least if you plan on putting others at risk
Call me an idiot again and I'll f---ing kill you. I'm tired of running into worthless space that cant comprehend the fact to do research before spreading there opinion.
Cody p2 -
Hahahahahahahahaha! Id be careful calling me an idiot mate...youll be dead by tomorrow morning and Ill feed your body to your family, insults dont set well with me, Im known for my actions...
Hijinny3 -
Don't call people idiots. I understand that they may be collecting data; but it is for these people decisions on what they do.
I'm not going to repeat myself, but I'm going to say this...
Be careful with who you call an idiot. You never know who has a heart full of homicidal rage or bloodlust. I'm always full of bloodlust, but I bide my time until I can carry my delicious deed out and enjoy it too... But not before I f--- them one last time.
Your Result: Maniac 93%
You are a maniac. You lose your temper easily and are likely to have bouts of homicidal rage. You don't think before you act and often act purely on emotion. You will probably serve a long prison sentence for a violent crime of passion bought on by anything from a lovers quarrel to road rage.
Cody p1 -
You are a serial killer. You love attention and find it hard to keep your opinion of others to yourself. It will not be uncommon for you to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine to complain about an article in which the writer of the article shares a view contrary to your own. Your unnoticed cries for attention will eventually result in you becoming a news sensation as the "south side strangler" or the "east side butcher" or any number of colorful terms used to describe your killing spree. This want of attention will eventually be your downfall, you will more then likely receive life in prison or be sentenced to death for your horrible crimes.
This sounds like something I would do ðŸ¤
I would never discriminate myself to be caught on here I wouldnt get life or death in prison I simply wouldnt be caught my trophies would be in order of hunting the people that earn my knife cutting there limbs to be disposed of as i manipulate the regular population to get what I need and to fit in as a non suspect amongst the people of the world and I would thrive on the attention from the news with a name not just a called serial killer.
Jbart1341 -
You are a maniac. You lose your temper easily and are likely to have bouts of homicidal rage. You don't think before you act and often act purely on emotion. You will probably serve a long prison sentence for a violent crime of passion bought on by anything from a lovers quarrel to road rage.
Your Result: Serial Killer 85%
You are a serial killer. You love attention and find it hard to keep your opinion of others to yourself. It will not be uncommon for you to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine to complain about an article in which the writer of the article shares a view contrary to your own. Your unnoticed cries for attention will eventually result in you becoming a news sensation as the "south side strangler" or the "east side butcher" or any number of colorful terms used to describe your killing spree. This want of attention will eventually be your downfall, you will more then likely receive life in prison or be sentenced to death for your horrible crimes.
Starxdxm1 -
Your Result: Serial Killer 76%
You are a serial killer. You love attention and find it hard to keep your opinion of others to yourself. It will not be uncommon for you to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine to complain about an article in which the writer of the article shares a view contrary to your own. Your unnoticed cries for attention will eventually result in you becoming a news sensation as the "south side strangler" or the "east side butcher" or any number of colorful terms used to describe your killing spree. This want of attention will eventually be your downfall, you will more then likely receive life in prison or be sentenced to death for your horrible crimes.
You are a serial killer. You love attention and find it hard to keep your opinion of others to yourself. It will not be uncommon for you to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine to complain about an article in which the writer of the article shares a view contrary to your own. Your unnoticed cries for attention will eventually result in you becoming a news sensation as the "south side strangler" or the "east side butcher" or any number of colorful terms used to describe your killing spree. This want of attention will eventually be your downfall, you will more then likely receive life in prison or be sentenced to death for your horrible crimes.
Am I a sociopath, serial killer or murderer?
Your Result: Murderer 78%You are a murderer. You live a pretty average life by your standards. You may be a gang member or have ties to organized crime. If someone pisses you off enough you cant help but want to kill them. You have your own set of morals and see killing as a way of simply eliminating a threat or a problem. You still like to laugh love and have fun and view murder as just another part of doing business. You will most likely meet your demise at the hands of another like yourself.
Pretty damn accurate, but I refuse to die by the hands of another person. Who out there would like to team up with me? Let's do some brutal s---?
Am I a sociopath, serial killer or murderer?
Your Result: Murderer 86%You are a murderer. You live a pretty average life by your standards. You may be a gang member or have ties to organized crime. If someone pisses you off enough you cant help but want to kill them. You have your own set of morals and see killing as a way of simply eliminating a threat or a problem. You still like to laugh love and have fun and view murder as just another part of doing business. You will most likely meet your demise at the hands of another like yourself.
Your Result: Murderer 76%
You are a murderer. You live a pretty average life by your standards. You may be a gang member or have ties to organized crime. If someone pisses you off enough you cant help but want to kill them. You have your own set of morals and see killing as a way of simply eliminating a threat or a problem. You still like to laugh love and have fun and view murder as just another part of doing business. You will most likely meet your demise at the hands of another like yourself.
I'm 14. [<_>] The results do make sense though. Y'all need to hide a body somewhere?
I'm 14, almost 15 UnU *inhale* I need help to hide a body tho smh-
Hello my fellow murderer, I'm 18 as of yesterday. Let me give you some advice, cackhead/homeless women are usually between 90-100 pounds and malnourished. They will get in your car or follow you anywhere as long as you promise them something they really want in return. Preference would be a huge river nearby, because once you off them, and dump em in the river the cops won't waste their time and resources trying to get justice for some crackhead who has no family anyway. Obviously not in this case because he did it in a pattern, and the cops are obligated to find him at that point. As long as you go city to city, sometimes even killing 3 or 4 in one city, the cops will not piece it together and definitely not waste their time. Detectives would rather go home to their kids and family rather than trying to solve some nasty crackhead's murder. For all they know, it was just a drug deal gone wrong. So just skip city to city, always make sure there is a big river nearby, and you will never get caught. Always keep in mind, 'Dont get cocky, you are not invincible."
When you're in battle, every morale is stripped away. In books, people talk about not being able to kill others, but if on the battlefield this is actually you, then you're going to die. If you don't have the cold blood, someone else will. I kill whoever attacks me. Trust me, I don't like it. But, as she said once upon a time, "Your anger will be the end of you."
Am I a sociopath, serial killer or murderer?
Your Result: Murderer 78%You are a murderer. You live a pretty average life by your standards. You may be a gang member or have ties to organized crime. If someone pisses you off enough you cant help but want to kill them. You have your own set of morals and see killing as a way of simply eliminating a threat or a problem. You still like to laugh love and have fun and view murder as just another part of doing business. You will most likely meet your demise at the hands of another like yourself.
Resulst: Murderer, 93%
You are a murderer. You live a pretty average life by your standards. You may be a gang member or have ties to organized crime. If someone pisses you off enough you cant help but want to kill them. You have your own set of morals and see killing as a way of simply eliminating a threat or a problem. You still like to laugh love and have fun and view murder as just another part of doing business. You will most likely meet your demise at the hands of another like yourself.
so accruate, would definetly be me
Shuld i be cunsernd about myself 84%
You are a murderer. You live a pretty average life by your standards. You may be a gang member or have ties to organized crime. If someone pisses you off enough you cant help but want to kill them. You have your own set of morals and see killing as a way of simply eliminating a threat or a problem. You still like to laugh love and have fun and view murder as just another part of doing business. You will most likely meet your demise at the hands of another like yourself.