Alton towers quiz

There are many people who think they are alton towers biggest fan and they know absolutley everything. Well they are wrong a true genius will take this quiz and 100% good luck

Are you a true genius do you think you know everything about alton towers see for yourself take this quiz if you get ten out of ten i will believe you

Created by: Justdance25
  1. When did alton towers open?
  2. What ride has a world record for fastest ride?
  3. Who created alton towers theme park?
  4. What is the section called with the ride air in?
  5. What two colours is the sonic spinball ride
  6. What ride used to be where the smiler is now?
  7. What ride was made in 2010?
  8. Which ride has a light blue track
  9. What ride was made this year(2015)?
  10. What ride was recently shut down?

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