A Good Man is Hard to Find

"A Good Man is Hard to Find" is a short story by Flannery O'Connor, a Christian writer, set in the 1950's. The story centers on the grandmother and how the world changes; you can't trust it to be what it used to be.

This quiz is meant to be a review game for the students of English 9, made by yours truely, Dr. Wonder Smarticles! (True name remains unnamed for security purposes)

Created by: Dr. Smarticles
  1. Where did the story take place?
  2. Where is the house that the grandmother wanted to see just before the car crash?
  3. What was the major antagonist's name?
  4. How many times was the grandmother shot?
  5. What kind of car did said antagonist drive?
  6. What were the kids' names?
  7. What color is the monkey at Red Sammy's?
  8. What is the cat's name?
  9. What was the car mileage?
  10. What was the grandmother's name?

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