your bakugan skills

how good do you know your bakugan there are genuis brawlers ok bralwers find out in this quiz.are you an expert or do you stink you might be the greatest brawler in enternity!

so take this quiz are you an expert brawler or do you stink?do you know it like masqurace or dans mom dan himself or alice or are you toataly new to the game.

Created by: justyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you lose what do you do
  2. if you lose a bakugan what do you do
  3. would you trade a trap for a bakugan
  4. what would you want more
  5. if your highest bakugn is 560gs do you do a keeps battle?
  6. your fortess has 750gs and your opponant has 920gs you have a fortess charecter card do you use it
  7. if you have 1270gs and maxuis drago has 3470gs you...
  8. your getting beat by your oppisite gender what do you do
  9. you buy maxuis drago what do you do
  10. you have 100 bakugan what do you do

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Quiz topic: my bakugan skills