* Warrior Cats Love Story * Part 1

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Hello! Before you start, I would like to thank you for clicking on this quiz! It's about a kit named Otter' kit, and you will lead her throughout her life!

You will face challenges and make choices that will affect her warrior life, and her love life. Who will you end up falling for? Find out whilst going through this quiz!

Created by: Twigleap of * Warriors love story * Part 1
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  1. You take your first steps out of the nursery, the radiating sun warming your pelt. Your mother, Heather' Whisker, watches you intently as you chase a beetle near the entrance. Suddenly, a moss ball falls in front of you. "Pass it over here!" You hear a kit yell. You...
  2. "You must be the newest kit?" The tom guessed, tilting his head to the side. You nod. "Well, I'm Sage' kit." He introduced confidently. "You.?" "Otter' kit." You reply back. He nods. "Do you want to play moss ball with me and my friends?" He asks. You reply...
  3. Whatever you chose, he ends up taking you either way. He leads you to two toms who are chatting about who would make a better apprentice. "You wouldn't be able to catch the oldest, slowest vole in the forest!" A small black kit said, challenging a bracken-colored kit. "Like wise." The bracken kit murmured, then his ears perked, and he turned his head to Sage' kit. "Hey guys! look, it's the new kit!" He exclaimed, pressing Otter' paw to go forward. "This is Briar' kit." He said, lasing his tail towards the bracken-colored kit. "And that's Night' kit." He finished, gesturing to the black furred kit. "Hello!" Briar' kit greets you. "Hey..." Night' kit mumbles under his breath. "Anyways, we were wondering if you guys wanted to play moss ball." He said hastily. They both nodded. "Okay then." Sage' kit padded off, gripping a new moss ball sneakily from the warrior's den. He tosses the ball to you. You pass it to...
  4. The sun's glow began to fade, as it lowered behind the horizon. saying her goodbyes, Otter' paw headed back into the nursery. She curled up next to her mother, who told her tales of how Ripple clan came to be, as she drifted off into rest.
  5. [Time skip] You feel yourself waking to your mother's voice in low excitement. "Wake up, wake up. It's time for your apprentice ceremony!" She exclaims, grooming your fur in swift rasps. "Mom! I can groom my own fur!" You shrill. She shakes her head and doesn't stop until your fur is completely perfect. you rush out of the nursery, looking at yourself in a puddle. your light brown fur was slightly fluffed. your tan underbelly slick, and your black tipped ears, tail, and paws had no trace of dirt. You took a spot by the wet rock, excitement pulsing through you. Silver' Star was sitting a top the high rock, clearing her throat . "Clan meeting!" She yowled. When all cats gather around, she starts again. "I've called you together for one of the most important moments in the life of a clan, Otter' kit has reached her sixth moon, and it's time for her to become an apprentice. Otter' kit, from this day until you receive your warrior name, you will be called Otter' Paw. Starclan, I ask you guide this new apprentice. Set her paws on the path she must follow to become a warrior." She lashed her tail out towards Juniper' Branch." Juniper' Branch. You will be mentor to Otter' Paw. You are…
  6. Juniper' Branch decides to take you battle training. She invites Briar' Paw, who is a moon older than you, and his mentor, Midnight' Flame, who is the deputy. Juniper' Branch puts Briar' paw and you in your positions, before shouting, "3, 2, 1, go!" and the fight began. You prowl around him, studying his stance. Briar' paw stalked forward, his eyes narrowed. You decided to try something. You pretended to leap to the left, pushing off your back legs. Briar' paw leaped at where he thought you would go. You then pulled yourself backwards, settling your paws, before lowering your head and ramming it forward. You felt yourself ram into the apprentice's side. You lifted your head, and then forced your paws over his side, pinning his chest. He thrashed wildly, and when you almost lost grip, you used your other paw to pin his head, but made sure to not do it too hard. You release him and continue this training till the sun rests on the horizon. You decide to eat before going to sleep. You choose a vole and settle next to a nettle patch. Suddenly, Briar' Paw pads up to you. "I was wondering if you would want to share..?" He asked, his ears perked, and his head was tilted. You respond…
  7. The next morning, you had just returned from a hunting patrol, which contained, Hare' Leap, Sage' Paw, you, and Heather' Whisker. You were leaping swiftly over the slippery stones, over the soft, churning water. However, when entering, a strange shrill echoed through camp. Alarm suddenly pulsing through you, confusion glazed over your eyes as you spotted a group of rouges scavenging and attacking your clan! There were around six or seven, all of them either pitch black, or solid brown. You stood frozen for a moment, only leaping into action when your patrol was there fighting teeth and claws with the rest. You decide to take on a dirt colored she cat. She had a long scar over her flank, and her nose was sliced. determination and anger burning in her eyes. Fighting with no mercy, you got a good few slashes in on her. You won that fight, leaping back into battle with a deep wound on your left shoulder. Blood pounding in your ears, as you fight like a lion clan warrior, clawing and scratching for your life. Finally, you hear the pads of many cats fleeing camp. Yowls of triumph fill the air. Your first instinct is to look for your friends. Your shoulder throbs, but you keep going,…
  8. "That was a close one." Briar' Paw pants. "Yeah, nearly lost your tail." Night' Paw teases. Briar' Greek rolls his eyes, then takes a shuddered breath. "We should head to the medicine den.." You suggest, your shoulder continuing to throb. Sage' Paw is the first to agree, scarlet dripping down his face from where his ear was ripped. Slowly, your friends agree, nodding their heads. You begin to head to the medicine den, Briar' Paw and Night' Paw flanking you on either side, as Sage' paw takes the lead, every so often casting a glance back at you. You let out a wince, burgundy soaking your fur all around your shoulder and flank, which had a slash that wasn't too deep, but still drew blood. As you looked around, you saw every cat panting, each, except for the kits, having at least a few scars. Your head abruptly begins to turn, and you lose balance. You plunge face first into the unforgiving ground. "Otter' Paw?" Night' Paw is the first to speak up. " I'm fine.." You whimper, struggling to your paws. You are a few fox lengths from the medicine den, when you have to stop for a moment, your dizziness returning. Your vision flickers black, and you crumple to the ground. you think...
  9. You wake up in the medicine den. Your body stings, but you can lift your head. You let out a groan as you shift to a sluggish sit, drawing in sharp breaths. "Your awake!" Are the first words you hear. Your head jolts to the side, and you spot Sage' paw. He is in the nest next to yours. "Hello..." You murmur painfully. Concern was displayed easily in his electric blue eyes. "I'll be fine." You add quickly. He presses a fake smile. "You think you will be able to leave here soon?" He asks. You shrug. "I hope so." You say, looking up to meet his gaze. You see the sun setting, and a question sparks into your mind. "How long was I unconscious?" You ask. He hesitates. "A few sunrises." He replies. Panic wells through you. "That long..?" You whisper, half to yourself. He nods, and you twitch your tail. Even after such little time, your injuries made you exhausted. You rest your head on your comfortable moss bedding, drifting off into a horrified slumber. When you wake, you feel a pelt mangled with yours. You let one of your eyes open, and you see Sage' Paw pressed up next to you. You..
  10. You are finally aloud out of the medicine den! You are walking through camp, when Night' Paw walks up to you. "Do you want to share a vole..?" He askes nervously. You think for a moment, then reply..
  11. "Clan Meeting!" You hear the yowl of Silver' Star from the top of the wet rock. You take a place next to Briar' Paw, Heather' Whisker, and Sage' Paw. Night' paw takes a place next to his mentor, Hare' Leap. "A few nights ago, there was a battle." She revised. "I have decided to make a few warriors tonight." She continued. Your ears perked. "Night' Paw, Briar' Paw, Sage' Paw, and Otter' Paw, step forward!" She named. Excitement pulsed through you as you stepped forward. You looked around, and saw your mother, Heather' Whisker, proudly watching you. One by one, Ya'll were made warriors. "From now on you will be known as Night' Strike, Briar' Creek, Sage' Thrush, and Otter' Step." She boomed. "Night' Strike, Briar' Creek, Sage' Thrush, Otter' Step!" Everyone chanted. You..
  12. You decide to eat before it's time for you to sit vigil. You snatch up a squirrel, finishing it in a few famished gulps. Sitting at the base of the gorse tunnel, you straighten yourself, a mix of excitement and nervousness creeping around you. Briar' Creek and Sage' Thrush take a spot next to you. Night' Strike taking a spot next to Sage' Thrush. You close your eyes, taking in the cool night air. A sharp twinge of coolness numbing your nose. When you open your eyes again, you see Briar' Creek's pelt brushed yours. You..
  13. It has been a few sunrises since your vigil, and you are now on border patrol with your apprentice hood, now warrior, den mates: Sage' Thrush. Briar' Creek, Night' Strike, and yourself. You suddenly stop, your nose twitching to the familiar scent of cat. "Do you smell that?" You murmur. Night' Strike is the first to step as well and sniff the air. "Storm Clan.." Sage' Thrush growls. You each tense up, alert and ready for whatever comes your way. The scent soon vanishes, as if never there. You feel your anxiety ruffle your fur. "It's okay.." You hear Sage' Thrush say, trying to comfort you. You shake your head. "Lets just finish the patrol and get back to camp.." You breath. Night' Strike and Briar' Creek cast concerned glances at each other. You and your friends made your way back to camp, when the smell reemerged. You recognized it in an instant, and immediately confronted the trespassers. "Who's there!" You turn. Your friends are suddenly alert, and they turn towards the bushes. "I'm surprised right when you smelled us you didn't run away with your tail between your legs." Said an unknown voice. A black furred she cat walked out of the bushes. Followed by a russet colored tom,…
  14. [If you tried to run back to camp or hide, the tan colored tom, and Russet colored tom blocked you]You hear a yelp and turn to see Sage' Thrush batting the grey colored tom, the Storm clan cat rushed off, scarlet dripping from his stomach. You take on the dark brown she cat. You rake her side, and slash her nose. The fighting lasts for what seems like hours, but then it happened. "Retreat!" The black furred she cat screeched. one by one, they each disappeared into the bushes. You take sharp breathes, tired from all the fighting. You didn't have many wounds. Only a few minor scrapes, nothing like the fight against the rouges. Looking around, you feel your heart drop. You see a heap of red soaked brown fur crumpled at the base of a tree. "Briar' Creek.." You shudder, then you..
  15. [Time skip]It feels like forever since you returned to camp. You sit at the entrance of the medicine den, Sage' Thrush sitting next to you trying to comfort your anxiety. Suddenly, the medicine cat, Mint' Breeze, walks out of the den. "He'll live." She says. You relax slightly. She gestures her tail for you to follow, and you gladly do so. Sage' Thrush follows, but is quickly stopped by Mint' Breeze. "Only one cat can visit at a time, you can go after Otter' Step." She ordered, before turning back and continuing into the den. When you walk in, you see Briar' Creek's head lifted and looking at you. Mint' Breeze goes outside after she tells you she's going to speak with Sage' Thrush. You nod, and pad over to Briar' Creek. "You okay?" You ask, shifting to a sit in front of the moss patch he was on. He nods. "I feel much better." He smiled. He then flicks his tail, gesturing for you to sit next to him. You reply..
  16. It's been a while since the incident, and Briar' Creek is now able to go back to the warrior's den. You wanted to eat, but the fresh kill pile was rather low, and you wanted to save it for the elders and kits. You curl in the warrior's den hungry that night. you settle on your bed of moss, trying to fall asleep but can't. You see Sage' Thrush, Night' Strike, And Briar' Creek flick their tails, gesturing for you to lay next to them. You choose to lay next to..
  17. Anyways this is the end of part one! I hope you enjoyed, it took me two and a half days to make this quiz.

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