(She cats only) what is your warrior cat story???

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This is a quiz, to see which made up cat you are more like. I hope you enjoy, I worked really hard on it and coming up with these questions. Cya at the end of the quiz!

Possible answers: WillowStar, BlackStream, FluffHeart, MouseStar, HoneyWish, RabbitStar, WillowBranch, ReedStrike, BlackStripe, and PineFang. I worked hard on these characters, hope you like them.

Created by: Mateya
  1. Which prefix would you rather have?
  2. Which suffix would you rather have?
  3. Choose a clan
  4. Choose a place
  5. Choose a color
  6. Do you want a mate?
  7. Oh great, I’m running out of questions already! What would you like to eat if you were a cat?
  8. Do you like to hide among shadows and undergrowth?
  9. Are you ok with getting wet?
  10. Finall question! Did you like this quiz?
  11. Bye!

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Quiz topic: (She cats only) what is my warrior cat story???
