(Girls only) Life at Camp half- blood.

Hello! I am Hema. Nice to meet you. Welcome to my quiz. Hope you are in the fandom.💙💙💙 Please bear with me as this is my first quiz. And sorry to all aphrodite cabin I didn't keep aphrodite's.

So if you are new u will be not understanding this quiz as it is from greek and roman mythology. And here u can find your godly parent and your relationship and also friends and Enemies.

Created by: Hema jackson
  1. You are in Camp Half blood. You like the food they serve. But you always love????
  2. Some thing you want from your godly parent?
  3. Which planet do you like the most?
  4. You like to be....
  5. And finally do you want to be a hunter or a demigod?
  6. U think this is the last. ...Nooooooo.... Soo who do you like the most? (Boys)
  7. Who do like the most?(Girls)
  8. Camp Jupiter or Camp Half-blood
  9. Do you like the movie or show or books?
  10. Do you like this quiz
  11. Ok then byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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