[Are you a Therian, Otherkin, Otherhearted, or furry quiz

Hey I suspect I’m a therian myself this isn’t 100% accurate so don’t rely on it. It’s still pretty accurate tho hehe if you really think you are a Therian or Otherkin you should probably do more research!

Hope you like it hehe uh that’s it but I have to fill this up soooooo djndjdjdjsnhdhdjdnndjdjdjjndndjjdjendjjdjendhjjdjdnhdjjnejdjjjejskkdkdjjwksokmnk.

Created by: Op
  1. Do you like furrys
  2. Where do you feel connected to
  3. What’s your favorite book series out of these
  4. What’s your favorite video game
  5. How does your bed look like
  8. Why are you taking this
  9. What’s your favorite activity
  10. Do you think you are a Therian

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Quiz topic: [am I a Therian, Otherkin, Otherhearted, or furry quiz

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