7 mins in heaven (boys only)

Well this quiz is for boys so if ur a girl get the hell out of her no lebbies!!! Ok Sooo yeH there's 4 girls. Siara,Fabiola,Kim,and Trinaty. So yeH the best one is siara the worst one is Trinaty so like good luck.

Siara is the best Fabiola is the 2nd best and Kim well idk 3rd but Trinaty is totally the worst!!!! So yeH I guess that's all pretty much And have a fun time taking it get a good result!!

Created by: Monsterhernandez
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favorit color
  2. Pick a sport
  3. Pick a a symbol
  4. What's your hair color?
  5. Pick a object
  6. Pick a time of day
  7. Pick a time
  8. Pick a letter
  9. Pick a rapper

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