2nd Republic or 2nd Empire?

This quiz will tell you what team you are on. None of the teams are in Star Wars and they are all made up. Don’t look for them in The Clone Wars bc they are not there.

I hope you enjoy my quiz! I have made several and can’t wait to see feedback in the comments. Please tell your ideas in the comments and if you want, your results.

Created by: Captain Rex
  1. Do you like TIE fighters or ARC-170s?
  2. Is power good or bad?
  3. Red or blue
  4. Star Wars is bad bc the Jedi always win
  5. Do you like clones or stormtroopers?
  6. What would your army be made of?
  7. Peace or war?
  8. Do you like Captain Rex?
  9. What are your blaster skills?
  10. What color is your lightsaber?
  11. ARC-170 or TIE Fighter

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