zombie survival

your alone one mornig and all channles have news about people eating other people and they say you might want to go ahead and make barricades and deffences

do you have what it takes to survive this apocalips, out break, ext. you will need to find out by taking this survival test in order to see can you survive

Created by: ben miller

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you have guns or bat, club, axe, ect.
  2. how big of a group would you travle in
  3. you see a store filled with guns and food it seems empty do you go in
  4. you see a zombie enjoying a man-witch what do you do
  5. you see a survier and their being chased by a zombie what do you do
  6. what car would you have and would you supplies be in it with you
  7. other survivers jack all your stuff but leaves you with a pair of hedge clippers what to do what to do
  8. you stumble across a military warehouse what do you do
  9. you find refuge in a shed of a millionar's house and you see a door on the floor and you hear sounds on the other side what do you do
  10. you find a helicoppter and tons of fuel weapons and ammo what do you do

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