Your new ringtone

You may have every song you like on your phone, but this quiz will tell you what you should add and what your ringtone says about you. Each of your answers will boost you toward 4 popular songs and tell you what you are!

Take the quiz to find out... are you * Barbie Girl * Buttons * Girlfriend * Umbrella All of those songs have meanings and only you can decide what those true meanings are... take the quiz

Created by: Mary
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would you rather go...
  2. What do you conciter your self?
  3. What is your fave store?
  4. S.O.S. If you were stuck on an island, what would you wish you had?
  5. What is your fave drink?
  6. Boy Bands
  7. My immage of a perfict date...
  8. What did you think of this quiz?
  9. What did you think of this quiz?
  10. oK, i tricked you, there are a few more questions.... only a few
  11. oK, i tricked you, there are a few more questions.... only a few
  12. Were almost done here..... What is your fave song?

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Quiz topic: My new ringtone