Your Life in The Avengers

This is for girls mostly but boys can do it too. this quiz is what it would be like if your world took place in the Avenger "world" Leave a comment...

This is a quiz i made for all those Avenger fans out there who would want to know what it was like if you were in the Avengers and were part of that story.


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  1. Ok So far normal day. got up at six in the morning, Went to school, did work etc. that all changed once lunch came around. you are playing foosball with your friends and someone cheats. and they score because of it. what do you do.
  2. After getting their point remove you continue playing...until you hear heavy footsteps from the hallway. You look up, confused. What the heck could that be? You:
  3. You see four men in black uniforms...with guns over their shoulders. you swallow. hoping it's not what you think it is. Ever since it had been know SHIElD had Gotten the tesseract and had been trying to use in for energy. HYDRA had been attacking random places across the U.S. Taking random people for who-knows-what kind of stuff. Sure enough, you see the HYDRA symbol on their jackets. You:
  4. You stand there, hoping they go into any other room but his one. Not just for me. all my friends are in here start to tremble, but quickly snap out of it. you can't look weak! you think to yourself. Each man goes into a different of them is yours. He orders you all to back up against the wall facing forward. Not wanting too, you do as you're told. You
  5. After several hours of him quickly looking each of you over. he starts taking longer to look at each of you. checking if they're shaking, sweating, or have any fear. He gets to you. do you hold his gaze?
  6. After looking all of your friends and you over, he takes out a walkie talking and says something you can't understand because it's in another language. After a short conversation the other three men walk in . This time he says in english. "what's your opinion?" They each walk around and observe you guys. then they start singling out people. One man says to the girl on your right. "You!" she jumps and let's out a terrified squeak. "Leave!" he barks at her. And she scampered out. Soon they single it out to just three kids. you and two boys. You:
  7. They single it down to one person. you. you try to keep yourself standing. And think to yourself. It's just a really bad nightmare. pretty soon i'll wake up and i'tll be a perfectly normal day. You pinch yourself. you don't wake up you pinch youreslf again you still don't wake up. Your mouth goes dry. You think. I'm awake and i'm now officially one of HYDRA'S victims. The Men have a short conversation in..German? You're not sure but soon they grab you by the arm, hard, and half carry half lead you out of the classroom your thoughts?
  8. They shove you into a car and lock the doors from the out side. you look around. no windows, no opening, you can't even see who's driving.! However. right before the door on the left closes you see one of the HYDRA men. It's your principle! Now you start to shake. but this time not with fear. you're shaking with anger. Every one at school trusted him above all. keeping everything in line and most importantly keeping everyone SAFE! "yeah right." you mutter. Continuing in a mock voice of the principle. "don't fight in the school kids we want you safe. Don't go alone, it wouldn't be safe." You know what else isn't safe....Punching your principle in the gut! which is what you want to do right now. you start daydreaming about.
  9. You try to think thoughts that involve anything but HYDRA. Like...OMIGOSH! your birthdays tomorrow you had a party planned and everyone was going to come over and hang out, maybe watch movies or play video games. One of the computer whizzes was going to hack into SHIELD'S data files. You slump down and think about how old your turning. which is:
  10. You listen to your watch tick. after awhile you look at it and see that it it 12:10 three minutes till your birthday. "well 13 is an unlucky number" you think. It turns 12:13 and you think in your head Happy Birthday to me Happy birthday to me. your a victim of HYDRA Happy Birthday to me.
  11. Suddenly the car stops. so does the engine. you think oh great. your vision blurry. you are led into a building and into a room. you become HYDRA's "lab rat." for years
  12. 5 YEARS LATER.
  13. you sit in your chair. exhausted. you've found out that before Hydra lost the tesseract they were able to keep some of it. in other words. you've become a human tesseract.
  14. All of a sudden you hear explosions outside. ou snap your head up. all the lights dim. to does the chair that keeps you from. you know using your powers to escape. you hardly dare to hope. concentrating to send a powerful energy blast from your had it shatters your armrest. You did it again and finally got all the pieces into smithereens. Next thing you do is
  15. You run up and down steel hall. trying to find a exit. you turn a corner and BAM! you run ito someone much bigger than you. scrambling up to get ready to fight until you see the arrow pointing straight at your head. Not a hydra. You
  16. You continue to glare at the guy, than suddenly bolt the other way. (after five years, you kinda just want to get out.) Just then, you feel ropes wrapping around your ankles as you break your fall with your hands. you roll over and try madly to untie the ropes until you just burn them with pure energy. You scramble up just as he grabs you by the arm. what do you do.
  17. You continue to glare at the guy, than suddenly bolt the other way. (after five years, you kinda just want to get out.) Just then, you feel ropes wrapping around your ankles as you break your fall with your hands. you roll over and try madly to untie the ropes until you just burn them with pure energy. You scramble up just as he grabs you by the arm. what do you do.
  18. After a struggle you just blow up...literally. Both you and him fly straight back five feet. He takes a two-way from his pocket and says. "I need backup here. We have a supernatural kid on level 2." Level 2! That means the exit isn't far from here! This time he takes aim with an arrow that probably is a regular killing arrow and says. "If you move, my arrow flies." Hopefully, you have the sense to stay still. However you keep as tense as possible. Pretty soon, A woman appears behind him followed by a guy n a black trench coat.
  19. The woman asks you what your name is. You answer. Then she says to the guy with the bow. "Agent Barton, you can lower your weapon." HE does. Do you relax?
  20. After a struggle you just blow up...literally. Both you and him fly straight back five feet. He takes a two-way from his pocket and says. "I need backup here. We have a supernatural kid on level 2." Level 2! That means the exit isn't far from here! This time he takes aim with an arrow that probably is a regular killing arrow and says. "If you move, my arrow flies." Hopefully, you have the sense to stay still. However you keep as tense as possible. Pretty soon, A woman appears behind him followed by a guy n a black trench coat.
  21. You create a blast in each hand and aim i towards them. "Legolas" tightens his grip on the bow. They stop short. Trench coat guy says "What exactly did they do to yo?." answering with one word. "Tesseract" You say bitterly. " Come with us" He says finally. "First prove you're from SHEILD." He pulls out a badge and hands it to you. Director Fury, head of SHIELD. Your face pales. oops. you hand the badge back. "i'll follow." they lead you outside. etc. Long story short. you become a member of shield and are now working where the Tesseract is located.
  22. You run outside to meet Director Fury. As the Helicopter descends. Agent Coulson is already there, explaining the situation. you hear him say. "That's the problem sir, we don't know." "Director!" you shout. "it's spiking again! Get in here quick!" They both run, trying to talk at the same time. "go on i'll be there soon as possible!" HE answers. you jerk your head in a quick nod and head downstairs. Your thoughts?
  23. You get downstairs. "Miss me Selvig?" you say mockingly. "This isn't the time for jokes." He says. you roll your eyes. "Whatever." you think. You look at the Tesseract. "shouldn't you know what's happening since your practically it's twin?" Selvig asked. You answer.

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Quiz topic: My Life in The Avengers