your harry potter soulmate (girls only)

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This Quizz detemines who your Harry Potter soulmate is depending on your answers.Your soulmate may be Harry, Ron or Draco.(That is why it is only for girls...unless you are a boy who likes other boys no judgment.)

Thank you for trying my first game everybody.You are all amazing people for giving my very first quizz a chance.I will never you for your choices in ANY of my quizz's.

Created by: unknown
  1. what house are you in
  2. whos your favorite character
  3. whats your patronus
  4. Who do you want to be your soulmate
  5. Favorite spell
  6. favorite class
  7. favorite teacher
  8. if you could be any character who would you be
  9. whats your favorite wizard food
  10. favorite drink

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Quiz topic: My harry potter soulmate (girls only)
