Your elemental animal!!!

To whom it may concern, I must admit, it isn't the best quiz I have done but I hope you still enjoy it!!! I will hopefully be able to make a nother soon but due to returning to school soon I will not be doing it as frequently as usual!!!

However, I shal aim for a quiz a week!!! If not then maybe more than one a week! I will inform you that I will be doing the she-ra quizz next week! This quiz was made on 2nd of June by the way!!! From wizz bang!!!😁😁😁

Created by: Wizz bang
  1. Fave element?
  2. Fave animal from the following?
  3. You are...
  4. You...
  5. Good or evil?
  6. Which one?
  7. Abcdefg hijklmnop qrstuv wxyz!!!
  8. Compute or mute?
  9. Age
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: My elemental animal!!!
