Your chance at making the NBA!!

There are many basketball players but few make the NBA. Take this quiz that's well put together to. Predict your shot. It is not likely for anyone but with this quiz the results should give motivation.

You probably play ball, In a matter of time you find if you are a slacker who doesn't care, guy who plays for fun, or the next NBA great. It all depends on your answer, It's not 100% so don't get discouraged by bad results.

Created by: Malcolm Chimezie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you related to any NBA player whatsoever?
  2. How often do you play?
  3. Your average grades?
  4. Do you eat healthy?
  5. Do you only play basketball?
  6. Do you hustle?
  7. Do you get injured a lot?
  8. Do you have a bf/gf (for people below 16).
  9. Do you dream about being in the nba?
  10. Does your mom and dad pressure you a lot in games,
  11. Do you care for others, wanna make other better?
  12. Your teammates like you?
  13. What's your position (wondering)
  14. Do you work hard?
  15. Ball handling
  16. Shooting
  17. Layups
  18. Strength/rebounding
  19. Visit gym?
  20. Speed
  21. You know about the game?
  22. Like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: My chance at making the NBA!! You can find more quizzes like this one in our Basketball Quiz category.