You will pee yourself!

This quiz will make you pee! Do you have the guts to take this quiz? This quiz will only make you get up about 3-4 times and you don't have to do any exercises.

When i played this quiz myself i peed! You will at least leak if you don't pee. If you don't pee then congratulations you officially have a bladder of steel.

Created by: nikkibella

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  1. How much do you have to pee? 1-10
  2. Push on your bladder with your hands for 10 seconds then stop and relax all your muscles but DONT PEE
  3. If you haven't peed yet, go drink two cups of water then come back after.
  4. You are in the park and you need to pee but the bathrooms are under repair and all the portapotties are being used, what do you do?
  5. Lay on your back and relax all your muscles but don't pee. What happened?
  6. (Grab a towel if you need to pee even the smallest bit) take your bottoms off so you don't wet them (unless you want to) and allow yourself to pee for 3 seconds then stop.
  7. Get another cup of water and wait 10-20 minutes to come back and when you do come back, push on your bladder again with your hands but don't pee.
  8. how much do you have to pee? 1-10 same scale as before
  9. sit on the toilet with your bottoms down like you're going to pee but don't pee
  10. Did you pee during this quiz?
  11. This is only for the people who still need to pee: Take your towel and release all of your pee onto it
  12. This is only for the people who still need to pee: Take your towel and release all of your pee onto it

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Quiz topic: You will pee myself!