You think you know...but you have no idea

There's a lot of pride on the line, and if you do well enough, you can raise the amount of friend dues that you charge me. You won't regret it; I promise.

Be sure to add your score to your resume, its one of the first things employers look for. Also remember to add it to your normal IQ for an adusted score more closely representing your true intelligence.

Created by: Nish

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my least favorite sport?
  2. Which of the following players has never been my favorite Mariner?
  3. Which of the following series do I not DVR?
  4. Which of the following songs is NOT on my Ipod?
  5. What is my favorite food?
  6. What did I receive my degree in?
  7. I have NEVER been to which of the following countries
  8. What color best describes the hue of my car?
  9. Which of the following have I not had a wall poster of in my room?
  10. As a child, I DID NOT watch which of the following shows religiously?

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