you good at dating or being single

are you good at dating? or being single. you will never know. who cares what your ex says about you. find out here. dating is amazing and always finds it was no matter what you do.

love will find it way if your good at dating, but even one who arent good at dating find away. being single is amazing you get to do stuff all by yourself, spend money on yourself. amazing

Created by: game58mk
  1. do you like cuddles?
  2. do you like sleeping alone?
  3. do you like spending money on other people
  4. do you like flowers
  5. are you toxic or friendly
  6. are you trustworthly or unreliable
  7. love or freedom
  8. do you understand what love is?
  9. sleep alone or sleep together /cuddles
  10. chocolate?

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