WRITE a LETTER to my ORIGINAL character Alet! :D

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Me/K: Today, you will write my ORIGINAL character Alet a letter! (WARNING: SHE IS A MEAN PERSON ALTHOUGH SHE CAN BE NICE............IN HER OWN WAY)!!!!!!

Me/K: I'm just putting random stuff so continue! This letter is a letter that is a letter to letter. WHATEVER THAT MEANS!!!! Anyway, BEGIN THE QUIZ AND HAVE FUN!!!

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: Ok, if you wanna learn some things about Alet, read the description! Now, pick what to write on:
  2. Me/K: What will you write with?
  3. Me/K: Address her.....
  4. Me/K: START!!!
  5. Me/K: Next....
  6. Me/K: And....
  7. Me/K: .....Well....you know the drill.....
  8. Me/K: Finally....
  9. Me/K: Any gifts?
  10. Me/K: What do you want her to say?

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