Would you tickle me?

Hello! I am a 15 year old girl who is very ticklish but a very good tickler myself! This quiz is about would you tickle me? I usually accept the tickles but if you tie me up..

People usually tickle me because they enjoy the satisfaction I give them by laughing. I wonder if you are one of those people. Anyway I hope you enjoy my quiz! Goodluck!

Created by: Fawntheyes
  1. [Imaginary situation] You walk into my room and I'm all tied up struggling to get out and on the bedside are some tickle tools. (I'm in a two piece bikini) you would?
  2. [Imaginary Situation] You have kidnapped me with your friends and I'm bare foot you would?
  3. [Imaginary situation] I am on the beach in a two piece bikini asleep with someone secretly tying me up ready to tickle me you would?
  4. What are your tickle spots? [No effect]
  5. How ticklish are you? [No effect]
  6. What is your age?
  7. If you could would you tickle me?
  8. [Imaginary situation] We are on a farm and you told me to wake up a thousand times I'm barefoot. Would you?
  9. How much do you enjoy the quiz so far? [No effect]
  10. Well enjoy the results [No effect]

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