Would you survive FNAF 1 in real life?

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Do you wanna see if you would survive Five Nights At Freddy's in real life? :0 Well then you can play this quiz >:3 hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehh

i need to make this 100 characters long sad life oofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofofoofoofoofoofooofoofoofoofoofofoofofoofofofofoofofooooofooooofooofooooofoooofo

Created by: dope dog
  1. Haii we gonna do a bit of roleplay if thats okay :D
  2. Its 12 am. No animatronics are around. What do you do?
  3. At 1 am you hear footsteps near your office
  4. Bonnie is outside your door!
  5. Its 2 am and you're on 38%
  6. Its 3 am and you hear footsteps
  7. Its 4 am and you're on 3%
  8. You run out of power.
  9. I need 10 questions to publish this quiz...
  10. why are we still here

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