would you survive a war

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Do you think you can survive a war take this quiz an find out if you'll survive. only some actually survive thats why we have a thing called holidays.

There are some people that survive wars thank to this quiz you'll find your answers right now!So take the quiz and find out if you'll survive a freaking war!

Created by: Jhon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First you start off in a beautiful dream then you hear guns what do you do...
  2. Then a helicoptor starts shooting through your window you..
  3. every one else is awake you run out the house and find weapons you take...
  4. you see and army of men approaching your apartment you...
  5. After every BLACK person is gone you see fireworks!
  6. You see the only thing you have left is a nuke your daughter made you...
  7. suddently one managed to get inside your house so you...
  8. more come up banging on the door they said its your friends you..
  9. You hear gun shots and blood running underneath the door "Open up now!" you...
  10. They end up drilling through the door you...
  11. If you chose anything besides going to the roof you died. So they go to roof seeing you there only you..

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