WOULD YOU RATHER? [randomness]

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Would you Rather! one of the most popular games for adolescents in a long time. Books have been made, stories have been told. The movies promotion of it.

Also a good quiz making idea. I can just put random stuff down, or pick a topic. You are awesome, so please rate and comment! if you do, a dollar will appear underneath your bed tonight. but you better comment and rate fast before the monster gets it!

  1. Would you rather have ADHD or ADD?
  2. Would you rather eat spicy or bland?
  3. would you rather be asked 1. 'are you ok?' from the nurse in front of your class or, 2. 'what are you making?' by an internationally known chef, who is also known for being strict and mean?
  4. would you rather take tylenol or xyzal?
  5. Would you rather wear...
  6. would you rather wear formal or casual?
  7. would you rather be blind or deaf?
  8. would you rather see black or white?
  9. what is your opinion on segregation?
  10. would you rather see Biden or Trump fall on their face?

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