Would you be a good friend for me?

This quiz is just a little test to see if you would be a good friend or not! And remember, this is my first time ever making a quiz so the answers might be wrong when they’re supposed to have a different answer to it or something like that I don’t know how to explain it Lol.

Why do I have to put two paragraphs explaining my quiz so I guess I’m just gonna say this ABC DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hahe uwuu!!!

Created by: TheSillyWeirdGirl:3
  1. Hi and welcome to my quiz, this is my first time making a quiz so it might not work correctly! First question: What would you do if I was crying?
  2. What will you do when you have more friends other than me
  3. What do you do if you don’t want to do something with me?
  4. What happens if you other friend want to eat lunch with you and don’t want me with you guys
  5. What if you and me and your friends are all at a sleepover
  6. In class we get to sit where ever we want. What to do
  7. I have to have least 10 questions so here some random things (none of the next questions will change ur score) I’ll just be fav faces
  8. $.$ money money green green
  9. Actually here’s another question: what it opinion on quadrobics
  10. Bye bye

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