Would you be a clarinet player

Are you a bank geek like I am to where you know about clarinets? I created this quiz so I can see how many people in the world will be a successful clarinet player.

Do you know as much as you possibly can about clarinets? Here is a quiz that can help you find out. Answer the questions to find how much you know about clarinets.

Created by: Treble Clef
  1. Do you know what a clarinet is?
  2. Does a clarinet use a reed?
  3. How many pieces does a clarinet have? (ALL assembly pieces)
  4. Is a clarinet bass clef or treble clef?
  5. What is the lowest note a clarinet can reach?
  6. What key signature does the B flat clarinet have no flats or sharps? (Won't effect score)
  7. How many keys does a clarinet have?
  8. Rate?
  9. Comment?
  10. Last question, how do you feel about clarinets?

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