Would we date?(I'm pan so anyone can take this quiz)

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Would we be a good match? take ma quiz to find outidk what else to writeso like hihihihihihihihihihihihihihijihijijijijiiihihihihI hope u like the quiz ig

hm?hmm. I literally don't know what else to say so imma just introduce myself. I'm me. I'm pan. And I like to write songs. I am currently writing a book and that's it. have fun taking my quiz ppl

Created by: madsssss
  1. Are u artistic?
  2. Do you express your feelings in a creative way?
  3. Do you believe in equality?(Are you a feminist? Are you anti-rasist, anti-sexist, anti-facist, and do you support the lgbtqia+ community?)
  4. Do you like the gothic style?(I'm goth lol)
  5. Do you like romantic things like watching the stars?
  6. Would you go to cemeteries with me? (I like to go to cemeteries to write cuz places like that inspire me<3)
  7. Would you watch Tim Burton movies with me?
  8. Would you be fine with having to handle me and my bulls--- (messed up mental health)?
  9. Would you say stuff like "just don't think like that, or please don't think like that do it for me, think about me, if u hurt yourself I will too"?
  10. Do you care about the planet?
  11. What's your age?
  12. Do you hate kids?
  13. Are you smart?(not school smart. like not "oh I get good grades" like actually smart)
  14. Do you hate humans?
  15. Are you funny?
  16. Last question: Would you be willing to drink my blood( preferably while biting my lips) or would you be willing to let me drink yours?
  17. Goodbye fellow human beings!!

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