Would we be friends in real life?

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Curious to see if we could be friends? Take this short quiz to find out! Would we do everything together, or would we be mortal enemies? Your about to know!

Don’t take the results personally, this is not that great of a quiz and results will vary, have fun, and give feedback, I’d love to see what you got!

Created by: Astrid
  1. What’s your gender?
  2. What’s your age?
  3. What do your friends describe you as?
  4. Pick a sitcom:
  5. What’s your hogwarts house?
  6. How many friends do you have?
  7. Which of these is most appealing:
  8. What’s the best animal out of these options?
  9. Are you a Introvert or Extrovert?
  10. Which one is better?
  11. What’s your greatest fear
  12. Do you consider yourself a nice person?
  13. Demons or Angels?
  14. What’s your opinion on furries
  15. What’s your aesthetic?
  16. With MCYT?
  17. Do you respect pronouns?
  18. You:
  19. What’s your favorite food out of these?
  20. Do you watch anime?
  21. Your worst quality is:
  22. What’s your zodiac sign?
  23. Are you ready for the results?

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