Would make a perfect match? (Guys only)

There are many "fish in the sea" but could you be the one for me?? Maybe take this quiz to find out if you're not for me then maybe we can be friends!😊

Are you the one for me?? Do we have the same interests to start a relationship 😳?? Maybe but you'll never know until you take this rawrsome quiz go on I know you want to 😉 see you at the end.

Created by: Choclat_San
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your hair color?
  2. What is your eye color?
  3. Do you like anime/vocaloid
  4. Would you hang out with me
  5. Do you like video games?
  6. What would you text me if I texted you "goodnight cutie"
  7. Would you make up an excuse to get me to come to your house?
  8. What type of girls are you interested in?
  9. Would you friend me on gotoquiz?
  10. Could we be friends in real life?

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