Would lunar like you? (Sun and moon show fan quiz.)

This is to see if lunar from the Sun And Moon Show likes you. If you haven’t seen their channel it’s on YouTube go check it out! Art from Google and is not mine.

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Created by: Chocolatechipcookies
  1. Lunar: Hi! I’ll get stair to the point. I just wanna know, what’s your favorite color?
  2. Alright number two: do you like sun and moon?
  3. Now, do you like eclipse?
  4. What about bloodmoon?
  5. Do you like me?
  6. Me: hi I’m sorry it was a short quiz but did you like it?comment if I should do more and btw I’m 12 years oldand it’s my first quiz.
  7. Choose a fate
  8. Fake questions or fq pls like will not change ur answer
  9. Fq having a good day I’m sorry
  10. Bye!

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