Which Sun and moon show character are you???

This quiz is for the sun and moon show. They make amazing gaming, lore, and reaction vids! They spend their own time making the vids so watch it!!!!!!.

Check out their channel some time I'm serious they make the best vids in the universe!!! Check the channel!!!! I hope you enjoy this quiz! Have fun finding out which character you are!

Created by: Starling moon star
  1. What is best in life?
  2. Is life good?
  3. Who is your favorite character
  4. Which describes you most?
  5. Have you enjoyed this quiz?
  6. Bye
  7. Jk I'm back
  8. Final question, do you like the sun and moon show?
  9. Jk again sorry
  10. Pick one

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Quiz topic: Which Sun and moon show character am I???
