Would I ship you and your bf?

Shipping. I ship many things. I ship Hermione and Draco from Harry Potter. I ship my best friend Nina and my best guy friend David. I ship Nutella and pancakes.

So lets see if I ship you. Do people find you and your significant other attractive as a couple, or not so much? Well I guess there's only one way to find out. Take the god dam quiz!!!!!!!

Created by: harryswife

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How did you two meet?
  2. How long were you friends before things heated up (meaning you both expressed interest romantically)?
  3. What are your heights?
  4. Do you both have similar friends?
  5. What are your personalities like? Completely different or the same?
  6. How does he treat you?
  7. How often do you hang out?
  8. Do you..........love him????? :3
  9. Do he.....love you?
  10. Hope you enjoyed, please comment and tell me all about your joyful love lives!!!!

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Quiz topic: Would I ship you and my bf?