Would I like you?

Are you my type of friend? If so, tale this FABULOUS quiz to find out!!! Are you in, or out? WIPEOUT!!! wait, what am I saying? e_O? Aw well, I'm crazy.

But I have nothing else to say! UGH. Anywho, you should take my other FIRST quiz to know me better. It would be useful if you actually KNEW me. M'kay, bye!

Created by: Lightine306
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I'm gonna start using proper grammer now.
  2. So do you like soda?
  3. What's your personality?
  4. Are you okay that I'm a new person?
  5. Do you like running in circles?
  6. Are you into anime?
  7. Are you a more dark or light person?
  8. Almost done: can you keep a secret?
  9. Alright, remember to brush your teeth!
  10. Bye!!!

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