Are You Fabulous?

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There are many people who say they are fabulous but are Not! How to find out if you are fabulous or not all you have to do is take this short quiz! Fabulous people see the world as there oyster and they are the pearl the pearl of fabulousness!

Are YOU fabulous? Do you have the right to say you are fabulous? Until now you could only guess. But thanks to this quiz Now you can truly find out weather you are Fabulous or just an Average person!

Created by: Awesomekittenyeah
  1. If you were to pick one of these colours which one would it be?
  2. Which animal do you prefer?
  3. If you were an Anime Animal girl which would you be?
  4. If you had to add sparkles to anything what would it be?
  5. Do You Like TURTLES?
  6. Do you were a Fedora?
  7. Do you consider yourself a Prom Queen?
  8. What do you do for work/ Won't to do for work?
  9. Do you prefer Unicorns or Pegasus or both together?
  10. This is The Last Question! Did you enjoy this quiz and also do you like the colour pink or rainbow better?

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Quiz topic: Am I Fabulous?