Would I date You? BOYS ONLY!

This quiz is going to be long! So be prepared to answer a whopping 20 questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!So please enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hehehehehe

Please please please comment and rate this quiz I want to know what you got!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Have a nice day and enjoy this quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!hardyharhar

Created by: HomicidalLiuMine
  1. Okay first things first, what is your age don't lie?
  2. what is your gender?
  3. Introvert or Extrovert?
  4. What is your IQ?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. What is your eye color?
  7. What is your hair color?
  8. What is your personality?
  9. Is your zodiac sign a Gemini, Aquarius or Libra?
  10. What is your favorite animal?
  11. Do you like drawing?
  12. what is your height?
  13. Do you like reading?
  14. Okay, we're almost done but I have a few questions left. Are you interesting, I get bored easily especially in relationships.
  15. If I went on a date with you where would you take me?
  16. Do you like swimming?
  17. Are you a christian?
  18. Do you believe Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sins and came back from the dead three days later?
  19. Would you be honest, would I be able to trust you?
  20. Last question, did you like this quiz?

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