would i date you? ( BOYS ONLY )

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( im doing this for the requirement) hhbhbgvfdswedfrtgybvfcdrtx5ft6gesxazq3ws4de5fr6tg87yt54re3wgfvbybvyfuegbvvyft3sw54rgt67ynjhbgvfdcsxzw354rgt867hyuinj

iu fh6gny7bvudc5frt6gbvh cfdefrt6g7hyutfvrde45rthy7unbgvyftr57y68u vbhcgfdtrfvggfdcrtfgyfvtr6ghybgfvtrghybgvyfvtfy7huknbjgvftrg7yh8uinjbhjhhhhhhiikhjhjjn

Created by: imheretodie
  1. first whats your favorite hobby?
  2. sorry if u joined this but if your female leave bc it wont work out i'm not g@y sorry other ladies.
  3. E! ( click anything )
  4. whats your favorite music type?
  5. what do you think my name is?
  6. Alright sanario: you asked me out on a date and we go to a crafting area you give me a love card what would you write in it?
  7. whats your fav animal?
  8. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. whats my fav color?
  10. !!!

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