would i date you?

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This quiz I made is just to see if there would be a chance of I would date you. Nothing really serious of course its just a quiz. Hope you enjoy it. Thank you.

This quiz I made is just to see if there would be a chance of I would date you. Nothing really serious of course its just a quiz. Hope you enjoy it. Thank you.:)

Created by: Caia
  1. Are you between 13-16 with age?
  2. If we were together and I was sick would you take care of me?
  3. If boy are you straight or bi or pan?
  4. If girl are you bisexual pansexual or homosexual?
  5. Would you huh and/or cuddle me if I felt bad?
  6. Do you like to song or would listen to me when I do?
  7. Are you tall or short?
  8. Where would we go on a first date?
  9. That is all will you comment and rate please?
  10. Bye~

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