Would I Date You???

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There are alot of people out there but I am very picky abotu people I date ...........if your not my type then....sorry........not my fault...hope you like this quiz anyway

do you want me to date you???? do you want me to not date you???? take this quiz and lets see if i want to date you.........have fun and ho[pe you like your results

Created by: babygurl123
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. where would you take me on the first date?
  2. would you kiss me on the first date?
  3. are you cute?
  4. what color eyes do you have?
  5. what color hair do you have
  6. Do you like Justin Bieber?
  7. Do you like my name?
  8. do you like me?
  9. how long would we date before we have sex
  10. Do you want me to Date you?

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