Would I Consider You Boring?

Don't take this quiz too seriously... But still, take it seriously!Hi I'm your host CHEESE MANIAC, as you can see I LOVE CHEESE I hope you like this quiz.

Also Remember to comment and rate!! I need more Ideas for quizzes.... I have high hopes for this quiz and hope you enjoy it!!!!!!!!!! HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!

  1. Do you like to stick to a schedule or a routine?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. Do you like reading?
  4. Do you believe in the impossible?
  5. Do you skip the advertisements or ads or do you watch them?
  6. Are you into politics?
  7. Do you like Starbucks?
  8. Do you talk on and on about stuff people have absolutely no interest in?
  9. Do people laugh at your jokes?
  10. Do you brag a lot?
  11. Are you self-centered?
  12. Do people stop laughing when you come in the room and suddenly have a lot of work to catch up on?
  13. Lets play a game of would you rather. Would you rather;
  14. Would you rather;
  15. Do you think you are boring?
  16. Did you like this quiz?

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