Witches and Warlocks; Are You One

There are many people that want to be a witch or warlock, but do you have the symptoms of witchcraftandwwizardryitis? You'll see in this fantastic quiz!

Many quizzes are predictable to get the results you want, but this is more unpredictable, forcing you to be honest about everything you say. PLEASE BE HONEST!

Created by: ronmonkey5T@
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you get emotional in any way shape or form, do strange things happen?
  2. Do you ever feel as if you don't belong where you are?
  3. Do you believe in witchcraft and wizardry?
  4. Are you good at magic tricks?
  5. What kind of music do you like listening to?
  6. True or False? 1. You are good at pulling pranks. 2. You like to see pranks pulled on people. 3. I only like pranks if they're pulled by me. My magic tricks are special.
  7. When people insult you, what do you want to do, and what do you do?
  8. What's your favorite color?
  9. Do you like fantasy books?
  10. Where do you want to eat?

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Quiz topic: Witches and Warlocks; am I One