Witch demigod are you?

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This quiz is about demigods and you can find out witch demigod you are like!

Find out witch demigod you are do you no witch one you think you are?

Created by: Patience
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What if you had to play a sport what would you play?
  2. If some asked to dance you would say...
  3. What song is most meaningful to you?
  4. What would you like to be when you grow up.
  5. Pic a Gods or goddess
  6. What's your moto
  7. What emotion are you mostly?
  8. What are you most interest in.
  9. What do you like most?
  10. What type of person are you?

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Quiz topic: Witch demigod am I?