Wit ur favored for is +was made in less then an hour+

Hewow humans I bleach from the planet bleachoo give u my first quiz that is retarded ly dum have fun BTW this was made in less then an hour sorry it took way to long though

Iiiiiiiiii8 dontttttt knoowwweeee wuuuutttttt toooo9oo outttttttttt jerrrrrrttt so9ooooo random wetters is izzzzzzzzzz hegvsjdgdndihd dj sh ebisjdgfhdjsih

Created by: MemeBot9000
  1. About how early/late do you get up? :3
  2. What o you even think the awnsers will b like? I don't have any idea how to even I do crap
  3. Whyyyyyy why must I do this at like 2 in le f---ing morning.............anyway...do you know undertale? *Will 100°/. Affect your score na I'm just kiding
  4. Ok what breakfast food do you like the most our of hes3 three sense we have o fix the whole building alone with trying o save sans
  5. Okkkkkkkk I'm running out of ideas so ummmdo you have orange juice for breakfast? I don't
  6. Wich one do you want to have? *Did I ask this already????*
  7. Um let's play wheel of froution but you on get any money....and there's no wheel....question one what will you most likely put seriously on
  8. Um let's play wheel of froution but you on get any money....and there's no wheel....question one what will you most likely put seriously on
  9. BTW in case u don't know I'ma female just pointing it out ok you are sitting in a room there are three plates one is toast anouther is bread and the hird one is eggs Wich on so you eat?
  10. Thanks for playing I know it sucked! :D

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