Wings Of Fire: Romance Roleplay Quiz!

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Hello, and welcome to Wings Of Fire: A Romance Roleplay!In this quiz you will find out who your boyfriend (or girlfriend!) is. It only has four results, since this is only my first quiz, and I forgot to add the result of Yourself 😅

Who will be your love? Dark, handsome and broody ShatterGlass? Sweet, anxious and charming Fortuneteller? Brave, courageous, and skilled fighter, Flytrap? Or smart, shy, and kind Diamondback? You will have to see! (Art by: HeartSpark 2022)

Created by: FanWing_Gurl
  1. It's your first day at Jade Mountain Academy, and you see dragons from every tribe, there are even a couple hybrids! Who is the first dragon you decide to talk to?
  2. You go to your cave, and you see a pale orange SkyWing drawing on a small square of paper, popping small berries into her mouth.
  3. The SkyWing looks up, sees you, and says "Oh! Hi! I'm Horizon the SkyWing, I'm your clawmate! I have too little fire, my brother is a firescales! What's your name?"
  4. You hear the gong go three times: BONG! BONG! BONG! "That's the first warning" Horizon says, seeing you jump at the sound. "We have history class with Starflight!" she exclaims.
  5. You and Horizon walk to the history cave, and your entire Winglet is already there. You see the broody IceWing from before, the older SandWing-NightWing hybrid, a shy looking NightWing wearing a black cloak and a silver teardrop earring, the brave looking LeafWing you saw talking to the SeaWing, a red SilkWing with gold and copper along her scales, a HiveWing with expensive looking glasses, a small MudWing with ears larger than average, and the beautiful RainWing-NightWing hybrid. Starflight says, "Welcome to your first history lesson for this year, but most of it is going to be you guys telling us about yourselves. Who would like to go first?" Horizon gets up and says, "I'll go first! My name is Horizon, I have too little fire, my brother is a firescales, I don't really like meat, because like WHY EAT THE POOR ANIMALS am I right? But anyway I'm pretty sure I'm kind, if not please tell me and I will fix it! And my favourite colour is tangerine. Your turn!" She says to the IceWing. "My name is ShatterGlass the IceWing, I think history is pointless" he said. "And my favourite colour is blue" he added. "My name is Pride, I'm a RainWing-NightWing hybrid, my sister is Violet, she's in…
  6. "There is nothing wrong with that Fortune" Starflight said hurriedly. "Can we continue?" " my name is Flytrap, my parents are Sundew and Willow, I'm good friends with Bumblebee, and my favourite colour is gold. " said the LeafWing. "My name is Fawn"said the little MudWing. "My sisters are Terra and Autumn, she's our Bigwings, my brothers are Crocodile, Alligator, and Rockslide, us MudWings are very loyal to each other. And my favourite colour is bronze." She said. "My name is Dreamseeker" said the NightWing quietly. "I would say I'm shy, and kind. I have a boyfriend, he's in Sapphire Winglet, his name is Jackal, he's a SandWing, and I always feel safer around him, even if he gets in trouble alot. But I know he loves me, and I love him. My favourite colour is purple." She said. "And my name is Lacewing, I'm named after a type of butterfly, a red lacewing. I like making new friends, and I'm a flamesilk. My favourite colour, non-surprisingly, is crimson." Said the SilkWing kindly. Everyone looks at you. You remember you need to introduce yourself.
  7. You go to the art cave, since it's free time for exploring for the rest of the day. Suddenly, your grabbed by strong talons. Before you can react your dragged away, down deeper into the school. It gets more damp down here, and your tied to a sturdy tree trunk. As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you see the angry SkyWing from before, and he says "Finally, I have you, and now that you can't do anything to me, beautiful. I think we could be a great couple, don't you think?" You stare at him in shock and then shout "If you really want me to be your girlfriend, why did you tie me up?!? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" But he ignores you. "Feisty, I like it, but save it for later won't you?" He gets closer, closes his eyes, and you realise with horror he is leaning in to KISS YOU. You thrash around violently, and suddenly, you see silver claws slice through your vines easily. It's ShatterGlass. He smashes the SkyWing aside, and they start grappling and wrestling on the ground. What do you do?
  8. "Why are you DOING THIS?!" The SkyWing roared. "I'm not letting any other loved one taken away from me!!" ShatterGlass roared back.
  9. ShatterGlass threw the SkyWing to the ground, bleeding from several cuts. He was breathing deeply, and the SkyWing groaned and fell unconscious. "Are you alright?" You ask him. "I'll be fine" ShatterGlass answered. A pause, and then, you say "Thank you." He looks at you. "It was nothing, really what any dragon would do. Well except for him, " he pointed at the SkyWing. You hug him. He is startled, then slowly, hugs you back. You let go, trying to stop yourself from blushing. He looks down at his talons, then at the SkyWing. "We should probably bring Finch to the infirmary" ShatterGlass says. "I don't like it, but yeah, we probably should" you say. ShatterGlass glances at you, then says, "Are YOU alright?" " Yeah, he tied the vines pretty tight, but I think I'll be alright. " you answer. "Three moons, I heard yelling so I came to check what was going on and now I found-" Fortune stopped, staring at you and ShatterGlass. "Are you guys alright?" He asks worriedly. "We're fine" you say. "Here, I'll help" he says, supporting ShatterGlass. You go to ShatterGlass's other side, helping him.
  10. It's finally the end of the day, and you walk over to your seaweed bed and lie down. You close your eyes and think about all the drama of school that happened today. Once you fall asleep you dream about:
  11. (P.S: This was my first quiz and I am very proud of it, I hope you liked it! I might do a part two, if you guys want me to, but until then, goodbye!)

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